Mogollon Box to the Gila River
September 7, 2024
A few of us got together to explore a "trail" -- I use that term very loosely here -- that leaves from Mogollon Box and leads over a ridge to drop down to the Gila River. Great mix of lush river bottom and high desert. Perfect weather -- fall is in the air! Many thanks to Kate for organizing this hike!

Crossing the dry creekbed of Mogollon Box.

Enormous sycamores, cottonwoods and box elders tower above the riverbed.

Heading up to the top of the ridge we quickly leave the riparian environment and enter the high desert. The hillside was covered in a certain variety of prickly pear cactus with dinner-plate-sized pads and very dark red, juicy fruit.

Ken surveys the incredible lushness of the Gila River Valley.

Arrived at the Gila River.

These bushes smell faintly of dill and glow electric lime green, like they are lit from the inside.

These rocks look like someone decorated them with a fine-tipped pen!

Hardy Gila Hikers: Janett, Ken, Kate and Dennis.