Mineral Creek

May 21, 2024

We have hiked this canyon so many times, but it's probably our all-time favorite hike. Today was perfect: 80° a light breeze, and just enough water to keep things exciting!

tree overhanging creek

Entering the canyon, the red walls rise up and plunge the stream into deep shade.

creek tumbling over rocks

The long electric green strands of algae added a lot of color to the canyon.

hikers navigating a tricky section

Navigating the tricky section. Everybody did great!

hiking around a small waterfall Kim coming upstream Dennis in the distance hikers by a very sparkly waterfall a very old tree by the creek me inside a tree

Me in a tree, 2024 vs 2022.

Dennis sitting on a rock in a waterfall a narrow section of the canyon

The narrows.

Dennis below a colorfal waterfall pinnacles near the mouth of the canyon canyon tree frog in the water

Canyon Tree Frog.

yellow salsify

Yellow Salsify.

woods rose

Woods Rose. I smelled them before I saw them!

smooth rose

Smooth Rose?

Red Four O'Clock

Red Four O'Clock.