All Souls' Procession 2008
November 9, 2008
Photos by Dennis, Pete and meFor added drama, this year's All Souls' Procession began just as a cold front blasted through downtown Tucson, whipping up a violent duststorm and spraying the revelers with icy rain.

A decision was apparently made to split the parade into three groups.

We caught part of the parade on Congress Street next to the Rialto Theater.

It was a shoot-out beween Dennis' Nikon D-300 and Pete's Nikon D-80 ... oh yeah and my little peashooter Canon A610.

>We caught up with the other two groups by dashing across town via back streets.

Hula Hoop Girl.

At Toole and Stone, a passing train briefly illuminated dozens of people huddled on the platform.

Another take on the train.

Propane burners were controlled by an electronic keyboard.

Two giant cranes were poised for action.

Suddenly one of the cranes hoisted an elaborate "mobile" with 13 aerial artists on three levels, some wielding flaming tridents.

While not visible in these close-ups, the top of the mobile was suspended at least 70 feet above the ground.

The second crane hoisted the flaming urn.

Igniting the urn.