That Dang Mustang Peak
January 26, 2008

Like moths to a flame, we returned to the Mustang Mountains just one week after our last adventure. Our buddy Jim met us in Sonoita, and as usual he was packing more than Cliff Bars and trail mix.

This time were aiming for Mustang Peak, imagining we could invent an easier way to the summit by staying high on the western ridge.

It was a 1000-foot-high bushwhack from the end of the 4WD road, but the trucks (circled in yellow) receded rapidly into the distance.

A little research has confirmed our theory that these mountains are composed of fossilized coral reefs. How cool is that!

The view from the ridge was breathtaking. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a gap between the ridge and Mustang Peak.

Jim and Dennis tried to make their way around the north face, but there were sheer cliffs on all sides.

It was a heck of a lunch spot all the same, with no shortage of photo opps.

Here's a rare photo of me and Dennis TOGETHER, courtesy of Jim!

Next time around we'll try it from the north ridge. Stay tuned for further developments!