Chasing the Totality

Day 13: Night on Bald Mountain

Finally free of I-80, we turned south at Evanston onto WY 150 and plunged into the Wasatch National Forest, climbing out of canyon country into lush rolling farmland and then into dense forests punctuated by bald-topped mountains. We had heard we might see moose in this area, so we were on the lookout.

And right on cue, about a mile past the ranger station, we spotted Bullwinkle browsing in the brush.
At the top of the pass.
We checked out several campgrounds along the way — there were some nice ones — but of course in the end we opted for dispersed camping on a two-rut track just below Bald Mountain Overlook. Elevation 10,489 feet.
Yoga Bear.
Lilly Lake, one of several shimmering alpine lakes near Bald Mountain Pass. An absolutely gorgeous area!
Next: Park City